Room 418, C9 Building, Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST), Hanoi, Vietnam. Tel:+84 963771101 E-Mail: E-Mail: linh.ttd193266@sí Links: [Google Scholar page] 1.1 Research Interests Python 1.2 Education 2019.09: Hanoi University of Science and Technology 2016.07 – 2019.06: B Hai Hau High school 1.3 Projects BME 1: Segmetation CT images of lung and calculation volume […]
Category Archives: Alumni
Room 418, C9 Building, Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST), Hanoi, Vietnam. Tel:+84 91576788 E-Mail: Links: [Google Scholar page] 1.1 Research Interests Web programming 1.2 Education 2019.09: Hanoi University of Science and Technology 2016.07 – 2019.06: Le Xoay High school 1.3 Projects Đồ án 1 : Thiết kế web app quản lý thiết bị […]
Room 418, C9 Building, Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST), Hanoi, Vietnam. Tel:+84 0336544202 E-Mail: Links: [Google Scholar page] 1.1 Research Interests Python 1.2 Education 2019.09: Hanoi University of Science and Technology 2016.07 – 2019.06: Khanh Hoa High school 1.3 Projects BME 2 : Predict heart using Machine Learning Ngôn ngữ sử […]
ĐINH NGHĨA HIỆP Room 418, C9 Building, Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST), Hanoi, Vietnam Tel:+84 912487493 E-Mail: Links: Github: /hustkryukix 1.1. Research Interests · Data Engineering · Image Processing 1.2. Education · 2019.09: Hanoi University of Science and Technology · 2016.07 – 2019.06: Le Hong Phong high school for the Gifted 1.3. Projects […]
NGUYEN VAN HUY Room 418, C9 Building, Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST), Hanoi, Vietnam. Tel: 0886152192 E-Mail: Links: [Google Scholar page] Tel: (+84) 886152192 E-Mail: Facebook: 1.1 Education 2019: Hanoi University of Science and Technology 2016 – 2019: Chuong My B High school 1.2 Research Interests Web programming. 1.3 […]
PHAM THANH LONG Room 418, C9 Building, Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST), Hanoi, Vietnam. Tel:+84 366617014 E-Mail: Links: [Google Scholar page] Projects Project 1: Hệ thống quản lí thiết bị y tế Research Interests Web programming JavaScript Education 2019.09: Hanoi University of Science and Technology 2016.07 – 2019.06: Le Hong Phong High School for the Gifted Date of birth Data of birth: 14-03-2001 […]
PHUNG VAN KIEN Room 723, TV TQB Building, Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST), Hanoi, Vietnam. Tel: 0987328904 E-Mail: Education BS: Hanoi University of Science and Technology Research Interests Signal/Image Processing Artifical Intelligent Projects Project 1: A Modified Bi-directional Convolutional U-Net (BCDU-Net) neural network approach for Lung CT Image Segmentation Project 2: Deep Learning – based Software […]
Tel: (+84) 369532906 E-Mail: Web: 1.1 Education 2016.09 – Hanoi University of Science and Technology 2012.08 – 2015.06: Dong Son I High school 1.2 Research Interests Embedded programing .Net Framework(C#) programing Signals and Images processing Machine learning Artificial Intelligence 1.3 Projects (BME Design 1,2,3…) (Topic) Project 1: Develop software to display balance disorder. Project […]
Tel: +84- 399912525 E-Mail: or Web: 1.1 Education 09 – Present Hanoi University of Science and Technology 09 – 2016.05 Nho Quan B High school 1.2 Research Interests Computer Visions Medical Image Processing Tumor Segmentation
Tel: (+84) 353318758 E-Mail: Web: 1.1 Education 09 – Hanoi University of Science and Technology 08 – 2016.06: Giao Thuy B High school 1.2 Research Interests Android App 1.3 Projects (BME Design 1,2,3…) (Topic) Project 1: Building the manage cafe staff android app. Project 2: Building the device monitors both temperature and humidity. […]