LE VIET KHANH Room 418, C9 Building, Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST), Hanoi, Vietnam. Tel: (+84) 369532906 E-Mail: levietkhanh.2405@gmail.com Links: [Google Scholar page] Research Interests Embedded programing .Net Framework(C#) programing Signals and Images processing Machine learning Artificial Intelligence Education 2016.09 – Hanoi University of Science and Technology 2012.08 – 2015.06: Dong Son […]
Category Archives: Alumni
BUI DUY QUANG Room 418, C9 Building, Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST), Hanoi, Vietnam. Tel:+84 963 059 750 E-Mail:duyquangbui.hust@gmail.com and Quang.bd182734@sis.hust.edu.vn Links: [Google Scholar page] Projects Project 1: Hệ thống quản lí thiết bị y tế Research Interests Web programming Education 2018.09 – Hanoi University of Science and Technology Date of birth […]